Group Workshops

Group workshops with individual 1:1 coaching

There is hope and you can take control! You see, there is a scientifically proven way to turn it all around so you can get all the success, all the happiness, and all the satisfaction that you deserve in life. And it is easier than you think!.

This clarity of vision is half the battle! Most of us our living in a brain fog and have no idea of what we even want, leave alone how to get it. We go through our entire lives by putting focus on one key area or the other. If it is career, our family life begins to suffer or our fitness levels. But to truly live an extraordinary life – we need to have a clear vision for all key areas of our life and make sure we give each of them the right value and time and importance!
Once you have this clarity of vision, you need a plan to make that vision a reality. You will need to change some old habits and form some new one. Lifehacks Transformation Program Coaching will guide you to your desired future. I will work with you as your personal Life Coach. I will help you create your desired vision and strategies to define each category of your life and will coach you, teach you and help you make second nature the techniques of how to get there. You will be the master of your life, or as I like to say, “You will Predict your Future by Creating it!”

Program Structure
Our time together will consist of:

  • 6 groups sessions explaining the concepts and knowledge for each category (key areas of your life such as career, relationships, etc.) and related worksheets.
  • 2 group workshops focused on tools and techniques that you use to bring your vision and goals to reality
  • Individual coaching sessions for the duration of the program to provide 1:1 attention for you personally.
  • Total time commitment per person is 16 hours
  • Course duration 8 weeks

You will see a dramatic shift in 30 days! By leveraging the techniques I teach, dysfunctional feelings and behaviors will begin to fall away automatically. Your life will come into balance in a way you never could have imagined, and your level of happiness and inner peace and self-confidence will increase dramatically.

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